Friends History Timeline

Friends Annual Luncheon 2000

The Friends held their annual luncheon on May 16, featuring guest speaker Dr. Frederick T. Kiley, presently serving as a civilian professor in the Academy's Department of English. He is a retired Air Force Colonel who served in Vietnam as an advisor to the Vietnam Air Force. He earned his Ph.D. in English from the University of Denver. From 1984 to 1997, Dr. Kiley served as the Director of the National Defense University Press and headed the NDU Research Fellows Program. He is a recognized leading authority on the American prisoner of war experience in Vietnam. With Dr. Stuart Rochester, Dr. Kiley is the co-author of Honor Bound: The History of American Prisoners of War in Southeast Asia, 1961-1973. A recent edition of the book has been published by the Naval Institute Press of Annapolis, Maryland. The book has been nominated for many prestigious awards including the coveted Pulitzer Prize.

Col Mark Wells, Professor Kiley,
& Brig Gen David Wagie
Col & Mrs. Bill Mahon, & Col Tom Parsonette Ms. Rae Helen

Professor Kiley & Brig Gen David Wagie Mike & Julie Kiley  

Col Mark Wells, Mrs. Lorrie Bennett,
Mr. Duane Reed, & Mr. Steve Maffeo
Professor Fred Kiley Professor Fred Kiley

  Professor Fred Kiley
Honor Bound book Signing