Friends of the Air Force Academy Library
Colonel Jim Shaw (AOG), Mr. Bob Baron, Brig. General George Fagan, & Mrs. Charlotte Brown. | Dona Hildebrand, Naomi McCracken, & Audrey Gaitlin |
Ginny Tonneson & Jay Denning |
Brig. General Phil Caine makes introductions |
Guest Speaker Colonel Larry Schaad | Lt. General A. P. Clark & Colonel Larry Schaad |
Lt. General Clark presents Colonel Schaad with a copy of his falcony book | Dr. Harold Webster & Lt. General A. P. Clark |
Mr. Bob Baron (Fulcrum Publishing, falcon book publisher) & Mrs. Charlotte Baron |
Colonel Tom & Mrs Gilda Personett, Lt. Colonel Steve Niehoff |
Matt Gaston & Lt. Colonel Steve Niehoff | Lt. General A. P. Clark & Lt. Colonel Steve Niehoff |